
Friday, January 10, 2014


Okay, since I am so out of the habit of blogging,
this is a little slow-going.

But...I will keep at this!

I was reading over some of my blog entries from my old blog
and I was really enjoying it.

I'm going to be honest here.
I was a little sad to read my peppy, optimistic, sometimes funny posts.  
Why sad?
Because I miss that girl.
She was carefree and happy.
Yep, that was my blog..."Happy Girl".

(and I do like big buts in this case)
I was also excited.
Why excited?
Because it gives me hope!
I think she is still in here... that optimistic, peppy girl.
I see glimpses of her now and then.
And that leads us to a big glimpse I'd like to share with you...
That happy place I told you about that I love with all my heart...
I told you it had magic, right?
It does.
I don't lie.

Our first Christmas there was the best week of my life.
And although Trev isn't blogging this time around,
he has agreed with me.

I'm just going to stop typing now, and post lots of pictures.
Because I think pictures are fun.
And good for remembering.

And I want to remember.
Because this is good stuff.  Good memories.
Happy things.
And trust me...happy is huge.

Oh and one more thing...
we call our place "cabin".
We do know it really is more of a house
 in the mountains surrounded by forest and wildlife.
But to us it is "cabin".
 Finding our Christmas tree.
Our first time ever cutting down our own!

 Loaded up and ready to go.

Lights on.  Cozy.

Making our own decorations for the tree.

Trevor's mom called and asked what we were doing.
When he replied we were all making decorations,
she was pleasantly proud of him for being involved.
If she saw this, she would sigh with understanding.
Although he really DID help make decorations.
 Rachel's pretty little pinecone tree.

We had only heard about the amazing Christmas lights in Leavenworth.
What a magical place!

The girls copying the mannequins.  :)


 It was so cold, but not too cold for Trev, his loyal dog, and the hammock.

 Christmas morning.  So lovely.

Ready to sled!!
We have the best sledding hill around!

Pure joy right there.

Me and my trusty sled.

 The race.  
Trev went off the edge.  Tanner in lead followed by Sky.

Googles had that smile plastered to her face each run.

Googles had a birthday!
The big 10!
Thanks to Pinterest, she got her very own vanilla chocolate
swirl mug cake.  Yummo.

 They share a birthday.
But he got a pumpkin roll cake.
Did I already say yummo?

This girl was outside all the time.
Doing this.

Up behind our cabin the fog rolled in.
If you keep going straight up, you might see a BEAR
Like we did on our hike!!

 You can shoot arrows with a sock monkey hat on.
In fact it's more fun that way.
I would know.

Our archers.

This is what Cotton did the whole vacation.
Who can blame him?  He is a smart dog.

 Hope your Christmas was cozy, magical AND happy!